Day 43 – Fordsville KY to Buffalo KY – 74 miles

Beautiful scenery today, no rain or thunderstorms and a lot less humid!!! A perfect cycling day. The roads were either very civilised with little traffic or crazy near the Rough River Dam State Park where everyone with a boat and trailer decided to converge. We also had less elevation gain today, making for pleasant cycle strolling.

Rough River Dam.

We did have some drama at the end of the day – Thelma (our trailer) got a flat. We patched her up enough to get us to the hotel and now I’m waiting for the UHaul assist people to come out and change the tire. Mark, Sue and Brad are off for dinner while I Thelma-sit and watch the Olympics. I’d rather be watching gymnastics than ping pong but hey, you take what you get!

We’re still in corn and Soybean country. Still no horses or tobacco. Chickens are long gone.

So many tortoises are getting run over in the road. We managed to save this little guy but may have put him on the wrong side of the road – he seemed none too happy!
We all know what a corn field looks like (btw, the corn is 7-9 feet high now!) but did you know this is what soybean looks like?
More pretty quilt signs

Tomorrow is a day off. We’re going to Mammouth Caves. Hopefully our legs will adapt to walking instead of going ‘round in circles!

5 thoughts on “Day 43 – Fordsville KY to Buffalo KY – 74 miles”

  1. What a whirl wind of sights sounds! Feel bad for the tortoises. didn’t know they were so prevalent out there. Glad you get to take a little sightseeing detour smelling the flowers along the way or should I say corn and beans🤣😂!!!

  2. Jill Weininger

    Enjoy Mammoth Cave. Love it there. So glad the flat tire correlated with a planned day off and happy to see weather is improving!

  3. Jeanette Stevenson

    Good job on patching up the flat tyre very accomplished travellers !👍
    Lovely pics as always & good takes to tell,another lovely quilt pattern 👌 Hope the weather continues to be good to you & happy cycling,keep those wheels turning.Team B xxxxJ💕

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