We’re not in Kansas just yet (tomorrow) but have officially left the Rockies and anything resembling a mountain or even hill and are now smack dab in the middle of the flat plains.
But, were not TOTALLY devoid of things to see:
There’s cows:
Another prison – this time the smallest one in the nation!
The wind got pretty dazzling by 1:30, either head or side gusts. Good thing we started a bit on the early side (7:00) to avoid the heat and wind. Failed on the wind but it only got to 84 degrees so pretty comfortable. Last week this area was over 105 degrees. Glad we dodged that bullet!
We both had lots of phone calls to and from friends and family today which really boosts our spirits, especially during the long, flat days. With not much to see, the calls are real lifelines! Thanks everyone – you know who you are….
Tomorrow is a big day – 118 miles (our most yet!) which will put us into Kansas, Central time zone AND HALFWAY THROUGH OUR 4000 MILE GOAL!!!
We’re still sane (well, I guess that’s a matter of opinion), our bodies are holding up, we’re lucky to get some good sleep and Brad and Sue are still being a fantastic support team. We’ve got a good routine going.
You should see lots of feed lots on your travels through Kansas. Take care out there and I know you’ve heard it many a time, and I shall keep repeating it. . .keep on biking.🚵🚵
What a ride you are both on, will be thinking of you though your journey. Hope the weather cooperates, Thanks for calling Mom. All our best from Vermont.
so sad. I’ve been out of touch for a couple days. A girlfriend of mine and I went to the Rolling Stones concert. That definitely popped a couple days out of my life. All very good though. Those guys are amazing. Glad to see you’ve hit the plains!! lol…
I’ll try to call you tomorrow Saturday.😂